понеділок, 28 березня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 1-го класу в перiод з 28.03 по 01.04.2022 року

 Smart world. Smart time. Revision. Now I can.
Smart Junior 1 Unit 6 SB p.84- 87 WB p. 64-65

Task 1

Watch the video and repeat the words learnt in previous lessons.

Task 2

Let's revise vocabulary and structures , watching the videos.

Task 3

Let's introduce with letter Yy.

Task 4

Let's learn how to write the letter Yy.

Task 5

Let's sing the alphabet song.

Good Luck!

Завдання для учнiв 3-го класу в перiод з 28.03 по 01.04.2022 року

 Phonics. Revision. Now I can.
Smart Junior 3  Unit 6 SB p.78-80 WB p.54-55

Task 1

Watch the video, practise the pronunciation of the sounds,revise vocabulary and structures learnt in previous lessons.

Task 2

Do the exercises in your workbook ( p.54-55). Watch the previous video once more.

Task 3

Play the games and remember the words.

Good Luck!

Завдання для учнiв 4-го класу в перiод з 28.03 по 01.04.2022 року

 Phonics . Revision. Now I can.
Smart Junior 4 Unit 6 SB p.82-84 WB p.58-60

Task 1

Watch the video, practise the pronunciation of the sounds,revise vocabulary and  structures learnt in previous lessons.

Task 2

Do the exercises in your workbook ( p.58-60) . Watch the previous video once more.

Task 3

Play the games and remember the words.

Good luck!

вівторок, 22 березня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 1-го класу в перiод з 21.03 по 25 . 03.2022 року

 Story time ' Big Mouth '
Smart Junior 1 SB p. 82-83 WB p.63

Task 1

Let's listen to the story and do the task in your Workbook.

Task 2
Let's remember the body parts song.

Task 3

Let's  introduce with letter Xx 

Task 4

Let's learn how to write the letter Xx.

Task 5

Let's remember the alphabet song.


Good luck!

понеділок, 21 березня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 3-го класу в перioд з 21.03 по 25. 03.2022 року

 Story Time. The cooking competition.
Smart Junior 3 Unit 6 SB p.76-77 WB p.53

Task 1

Watch the video and listen to the story.Then read for pleasure.

Task 2

Discussing the story

Frame 1
-What day is it?
-Where are Fay and Ted?
-What is Ted making?
Frame 2
-What has Fay got?
-What is she making?
Frame 3
_Who's the winner of the competition?
- Is Fay happy?
Frame 4
- What does Fay's dad tell her?
Frame 5
-What do Fay and her dad do for a month?
Frame 6
-What has Fay got?
-What is she making?
Frame 7
-What is Miss Tulip doing?
-Are Fay's pancakes good?
-Who' the winner of the cooking competition?

Task 3

Play the games and repeat the words of the previous lessons

Good luck!

субота, 19 березня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 4-го класу в перiод з 21. 03 по 25.03.2022 року

Story time.Save Longwood forest.
Smart Junior 4 Unit 6  SB p.80-81 WB p.57

Task 1

 Listen to the story and read for pleasure

This video will help you to remember new words and understand their meaning.
Also you can learn to read this text correctly and quickly, understanding it.

Task 2

Discussing the story

Frame 1
-Where were Alice and Matt last Monday?
-What did  the children want to write?
-What did they decide to write about?

Frame 2

 -Where did the children go?

 -What did they see there?

Frame 3

-Why were the children upset?

-What did Matt do?

-Where did they return immediately?

Frame 4

What article did the children write for the school newspaper?

Frame 5

-Whom did the children give the article?

Frame 6

-Who wanted to put this article in his newspaper?

Frame 7

-What did the people want to do when they read the article?

Frame 8

-Did they save Longwood Forest?

This questions will help you to retell the story.

Task 3

Grammar - Past Simple Tense

Let's  watch a simple video to practice simple past tense and the pattern, " What did you do today?"

Task 4

Let's play the game

Good luck!