Let's help Unit 7
Our world Social Studies
Student's Book-page 74-75 Workbook - page 59
Task 1
Remember the words.
Friendship- дружба
share - поділитися
myth-міф, нереальна річ
cheat - обманювати
lie -брехати
make fun of - сміятися, висміювати
Прослухай слова декілька разів, пропиши їх у зошиті та запам'ятай їх правопис, вимову та переклад.
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Task 2 Listen ,read and answer the questions Ex. 1, p. 74 (SB)
Sound is here:
1.Were friends and friendships important in ancient times?
2.How do we know?
3.What happens every year on the first Sunday of August?
4.When and where did they first start celebrating Friendship Day?
5.What is Friendship Day about?
А також виконай вправу 2, ст.74 у підручнику.
Task 3
Listen to the song and rest a little.
Task 4
Look at the notice board, listen and follow along. Ex.3, p. 75(SB)
Sound is here:
Task 5
What did the kids do? What will or won't they do? Ex.4, p.75 (SB)
Task 6
Listen and learn by heart the poem. Ex.5, p. 75 (SB).
Sound is here:
Task 7
Listen and number Ex. 1, p.59 (WB)
Sound is here:
Task 8
Do the exercises 2 and 3, page 59 (WB)
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