пʼятниця, 22 квітня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 1-го класу в перioд з 25.04 по 29.04.2022 року

 Food. Let's play.Story time.
Smart Junior 1. Unit 7. SB p.94-97.WB p.71- 73.

Task 1

Watch the video , remember the words , numbers  and then play. Do the tasks at page 71-72 (WB).

Task 2
Watch the video  and listen to the story ' Don't touch the food'.

Task 3

Watch the video an do the tasks at page 73 (WB).

Task 4
Remember 'What is healthy/ unhealthy?' Drag the pictures to the correct plates.

Task 5

Let's try to read the words and sentences .


Dad had a fan. 

Then he had no fan.
Jan had a hat.       

Then she had no hat.
Sam had ham.              

Sam had jam.      

Then Sam had no ham.
He had no jam.
Dad is mad. 

Sam is mad.
Jan is sad.       
"Bad cat" said dad and Sam.
"Bad fat cat!" said Jan.  
Bad fat cat

Good luck!


Завдання для учнiв 3- го класу в перiод з 25.04 по 29.04.2022 року

 Where were you yesterday? Let's play.Project. Story time.
Smart Junior 3 .Unit 7 . SB p. 88-91 . WB p.61-63

Task 1
Let's play and remember vocabulary and grammar of the previous lessons.

Task 2

Play and remember grammar rule Was/Were.

Task 3

Look, read and write the missing words.

Task 4

Watch the video, remember new words and do the exercises at page 61 (WB)

Task 5

Watch the video, read Kelly's diary and write your diary.Do the exercises at page 62(WB).

Task 6

Watch the video, remember the grammar rule and read the story.Do the exercises at page 63 (WB).

Task 7

Answer the questions.

1. What day is it?
2. Where are the children?
3. Where was Michlelle on Saturday? 
4. How was the circus?
5. What animals were there?
6. Where was the boy on Sunday evening?
7. Who was he with?
8. Was the food good? 
9. Where was Ben on Saturday afternoon? 
10. Was the film interesting? 
11. Was Will at the cinema on Saturday?
12. What does the teacher say to Will?

Good luck!

Завдання для учнiв 4-го класу в перiод з 25.04 по 29.04.2022 року

 What's the matter? Let's play. Project and Reading time.
Smart Junior 4. Unit 7 .SB p. 92 -95.WB p. 66 -68

Task 1

Firstly listen and choose the right  pictures, then unscramble and write  the words corretly.


Task 2

Watch the video and do the tasks at page 92 (SB) and page 66(WB)

Task 3
Watch the video and do the tasks at page 93-95 (SB) and page 67-68 (WB).

Task 4

Answer the questions.

1.What are germs?
2.How can we see them?
3.What can germs do to people?
4.Where do germs live ?
5.How do they get inside your body?
6.What can you do to stop them?

Task 5

Be Healthy!

пʼятниця, 15 квітня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 1-го класу в перiод з 18.04 по 22.04.2022 року.

 Healthy and unhealthy food.
Smart Junior 1. Unit 7. Lesson 7c.  SB p.92-93 .  WB p.69

Task 1

Watch the video.Firstly play, then listen , point and repeat.Remember new words.

Task 2

Make up sentences about you with I like/ I don't like.


I'm... ( your name).
I like.... (pasta, pizza, ice cream, burger)
I don't like... (pasta, pizza, ice cream, burger).

Task 3

Watch the video and learn to speak about your favourite food.
Listen and do the excercise 1 at page 69 (WB).

Task 4

Play the game ' Healthy and unhealthy food'

Task 5

Listen and choose the right picture.

Task 6

Let's try to read the words and sentences .


 This is Dan.Dan ran.


Dan ran to a man.               
a man

Dan ran to a pan.                            
a pan

Dan ran to a can.                                  
a can

Dan ran to a fan.                                   
a fan

Dan ran to a ham.                                  
a ham

Dan ran and ran and ran.
Dan ran to his mat. 

a mat

Good luck!

Завдання для учнiв 3-го класу в перiод з 18.04 по 22.04.2022 року.

 Where were you yesterday? Our world.Tornado in Texas.
Smart Junior 4.Unit 7 .SB p.86-87 WB p. 60

Task 1

Watch the video, remember new words, read the text and introduce with the grammar rule.

Task 2

Answer the questions.

1.What's the girl's name?
2.Where is she from?
3.Does she live in a flat?
4.Has it got a basement?
5.What happened yesterday?
6.Was it dangerous?
7.What was in the sky?
8.Were there any people in the streets?
9.Where was Matilda?
10.When a tornado happens should you stand next to the windows?

Task 3

Write the correct answer.

Task 4

Choose was or were.

Task 5

Firstly  listen to the chant  , then play the game to check your understanding


Good luck!

Завдання для учнiв 4- го класу в перiод з 18.04 по 22.04.2022 року.

What's the matter? Our world. 
Smart Junior 4 Unit 7  SB(p. 90-91) WB ( p. 65). 

Task 1 
 Remember the learned words and write down them.

Task 2

Remember the learned words and do the test.

Task 3

Watch the video and remember new words. Then listen  to the safety rules  at home and remember them.

Task 4

Watch the  final part of the video and do the tasks in your workbook (p.65)

пʼятниця, 8 квітня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 1-го класу в перiод з 11.04 по 15.04.2022 року

 Food. Healthy Food.Reading phonics.
Smart Junior 1 . Unit 7. SB p.90-91  WB p.68

Task 1

Play the games and remember the names of fruit and vegetables.

Task 2

Sing  the ABC fruity band and remember all letters of English alphabet.

Task 3

Read the phonics and write the letter at the end of each word.

Task 4

Watch the video and remember new words.Listen to the dialogue between the children and repeat the phrases.

Task 5

Do the tasks at page 68 (WB), watching the video.

Task 6

Do the test

Task 7

Let's try to read the words and sentences .

                                   WORD FAMILIES


                                             This is Pam.                            
a fat cat

                              Pam is a cat.

                              She is a fat cat. 

                              This is Sam. 
                              Sam has ham.

                              Sam has jam.                                 
                              Pam has no ham.                      

                              Pam has no jam.
                              No, Pam!
                              Do not jump up!
                              Now Sam has no ham.  
                              Sam has no jam!
                              Now Pam has ham.
                              Pam has jam.

Good luck!




Завдання для учнiв 3-го класу в перiод з 11.04 по 15.04.2022 року

Where were you yesterday? Smart kids.
Smart Junior 3 SB p. 84-85 WB p.59 

Task 1

Remember the grammar structure was/were.

Task 2

Watch the video and introduce with the new words.

Task 3

Watch the video and listen to the story.Then read.

Task 4

Answer the questions.

1.-Where were Anna,Greg and Emma last night?
2.-Who was with them?
3.-Where was Anna's mum?
4.-Who was hungry?

Task 5

Play the game.

Good luck!

Завдання для учнiв 4-го класу в перiод з 11.04 по 15.04.2022 року

 What's the matter? Smart Kids.
Smart Junior 4 Unit 7 SB p. 88-89 WB p. 64

Task 1

Play the games and remember the learned words

Task 2

Watch the video and remember new words. Then listen  and read.

Task 3

Answer the questions.

1.-Where is Anna?
2.-What's the matter with Anna?
3.-Who wants to write on Anna's cast?
4.-Why do Sandy and Greg have to go?
5.-What's the matter with Greg?
6.-Why is Sandy's leg bleeding?
7.-What should Greg do?
8.-What should Sandy do?
9.-How does Anna feel when she sees her friends back at the hospital?

Task 4

Firstly learn the words.

Then do the quiz.

Task 5

Play the game "Sickness and health problems" with Kahoot!

Be healthy!

субота, 2 квітня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 1-го класу в перiод з 04.04 по 08.04. 2022 року

 Food.Sing a song. Fruit and vegetables. Letter Zz.
Smart Junior 1 Unit 7 SB p.88-89 WB p.67

Task 1

Listen to the fruits song and answer the questions : "Do you like fruits? What fruits do you like?"

Task 2

Listen to the vegetables song and answer the questions: "Do you like vegetables? What vegetables do you like?"

Task 3

Watch the video and introduce with new words of the lesson.Then sing a song.

Task 4

Watch the video again and  do the exercises at  page 67 (WB)

Task 5

Let's introduce with letter Zz.

Task 6

Let's learn how to write the letter Zz.

Task 7

Let's try to read the words and sentences .

                                   WORD FAMILIES


A cat   This is a cat.  
A rat. This is a rat.
A mat. This is a mat.
A hat. This is a hat.
The rat sat.
The rat sat on the mat.
The cat sat .
The cat sat on the mat.
The rat sat.
The rat sat on the hat.
The cat sat.
The cat sat on the hat.
The cat is too fat.

Task 8

Play the games. 

Good luck!

Завдання для учнiв 3-го класу в перiод з 04.04. по 08.04.2022 року


Where were you yesterday? Sing a song. Places and parts of the day.

Smart Junior 3 . Unit 7.
 SB p.83 WB p.58 Ex. 1

Task 1

Remember the words and write down the dictation.


Task 2

Watch the video and introduce with some prepositions.

Task 3

Remember the new words and word combinations.

Task 4

Firstly listen to the new words  and then  sing a song.

Task 5

 Listen and match. (WB p. 58 ex.1 )

Task 6

Play the game.

Task 7

Practise the grammar rule -  Was /Were

 Good luck!

пʼятниця, 1 квітня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 4- го класу в перiод з 04.04. по 08.04. 2022 року

 What's the matter? Smart Junior 4  Unit 7 
Sing a song. SB p.87. WB p. 63

Task 1

Watch the video and remember new words. Sing a song.

Play the game and remember the grammar constructions.

Task 4

Listen to the dialogue "Health Problems".

Task 5

Listen and choose the  correct picture.

Task 6

Watch the  final part of the video and do the tasks in your workbook (p.63)

Be Healthy!