пʼятниця, 15 квітня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 3-го класу в перiод з 18.04 по 22.04.2022 року.

 Where were you yesterday? Our world.Tornado in Texas.
Smart Junior 4.Unit 7 .SB p.86-87 WB p. 60

Task 1

Watch the video, remember new words, read the text and introduce with the grammar rule.

Task 2

Answer the questions.

1.What's the girl's name?
2.Where is she from?
3.Does she live in a flat?
4.Has it got a basement?
5.What happened yesterday?
6.Was it dangerous?
7.What was in the sky?
8.Were there any people in the streets?
9.Where was Matilda?
10.When a tornado happens should you stand next to the windows?

Task 3

Write the correct answer.

Task 4

Choose was or were.

Task 5

Firstly  listen to the chant  , then play the game to check your understanding


Good luck!

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