субота, 2 квітня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 1-го класу в перiод з 04.04 по 08.04. 2022 року

 Food.Sing a song. Fruit and vegetables. Letter Zz.
Smart Junior 1 Unit 7 SB p.88-89 WB p.67

Task 1

Listen to the fruits song and answer the questions : "Do you like fruits? What fruits do you like?"

Task 2

Listen to the vegetables song and answer the questions: "Do you like vegetables? What vegetables do you like?"

Task 3

Watch the video and introduce with new words of the lesson.Then sing a song.

Task 4

Watch the video again and  do the exercises at  page 67 (WB)

Task 5

Let's introduce with letter Zz.

Task 6

Let's learn how to write the letter Zz.

Task 7

Let's try to read the words and sentences .

                                   WORD FAMILIES


A cat   This is a cat.  
A rat. This is a rat.
A mat. This is a mat.
A hat. This is a hat.
The rat sat.
The rat sat on the mat.
The cat sat .
The cat sat on the mat.
The rat sat.
The rat sat on the hat.
The cat sat.
The cat sat on the hat.
The cat is too fat.

Task 8

Play the games. 

Good luck!

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