пʼятниця, 22 квітня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 1-го класу в перioд з 25.04 по 29.04.2022 року

 Food. Let's play.Story time.
Smart Junior 1. Unit 7. SB p.94-97.WB p.71- 73.

Task 1

Watch the video , remember the words , numbers  and then play. Do the tasks at page 71-72 (WB).

Task 2
Watch the video  and listen to the story ' Don't touch the food'.

Task 3

Watch the video an do the tasks at page 73 (WB).

Task 4
Remember 'What is healthy/ unhealthy?' Drag the pictures to the correct plates.

Task 5

Let's try to read the words and sentences .


Dad had a fan. 

Then he had no fan.
Jan had a hat.       

Then she had no hat.
Sam had ham.              

Sam had jam.      

Then Sam had no ham.
He had no jam.
Dad is mad. 

Sam is mad.
Jan is sad.       
"Bad cat" said dad and Sam.
"Bad fat cat!" said Jan.  
Bad fat cat

Good luck!


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