вівторок, 10 травня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнів 4-го класу в період з 09.05 по 13.05.2022 року

 Lets welcome the holidays!   

Sing a song. Smart kids. Our world.  

Smart Junior 4. Unit 8. SB p. 99-103.WB p. 72-73

Task 1

Watch the video and remember the new words , phrases and grammar structures.Then listen to the song and sing it. Do the task at page 72 (WB). 

Task 2

Watch the video and remember the new  words , phrases and grammar structures.Read the sentences after the announcer. Do the tasks at page 73 (WB).

Task 3

Watch the video and remember the new  words , phrases and grammar structures.Read the sentences after the announcer. Do the tasks at page 74 (WB).

Task 4

Answer the questions.
1. Where are Alan and his family going to go on Saturday?
2.What are they going to do there?
3.What does Alan's baby sister want to do there?
4.Are Alan and his family going to visit the Courchevel ski resort?
5.Where are Eric and his family going to go?
6.What are they going to do there?
7.Is Eric going to paint the pebbles?

Task 5

Do the task.

Task 6

Play the game.

Good luck!


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