четвер, 5 травня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 1-го класу в перioд з 02.05 по 06.05.2022 року

 Food Revision. Smart World. Smart Time.
Smart Junior 1. Unit 7. SB p.98-101.WB p.74- 76.


Watch the video and introduce with food from different countries.( SB p.98,WB p.74).
Then listen to the information about some kinds of food and find out where we get some food from. (SB p.99, WB p.75)

Task 2

Watch the video and remember the words , phrases and grammar structures learnt  in previous lessons.(SB p. 100-101, WB p.76)

Task 3

Do the test.

Task 4

Let's try to read the words and sentences .


I like to tap.
I tap on my lap.  
tap on lap


Sam likes to tap.
He taps on his cap.

We tap, tap,tap.
We tap on the map.


We tap on the pan.
We tap on the hat.
We tap on the cat.
We tap on the dad.
But the dad is mad.
"No, Jan. No, Sam!
I like to nap!"

Good luck!

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