понеділок, 16 травня 2022 р.

Завдання для учнiв 4-го класу в перioд з 16.05 по 20.05.2022 року

Lets welcome the holidays


Let's play. Project. Story time.


Smart Junior 4. Unit 8. SB p. 104-107.WB p. 75-77

 Task 1

 Introduce with the new words and grammar rule ,watching  the  video  and then play.(SB   p.104) Do the tasks at page 75 (WB).

 Task 2

Read about Tara's summer holidays. Then write about your summer holiday.(SBp. 105).Do the tasks at page 76(WB).

 Task 3

Watch the video and learn to read the story about the trip.(SB p. 106-107). Then do the tasks at page 77 (WB)

Task 4

Answer the questions.

Frame 1: What did Ryan and Owen do?
                 What did they see there?

Frame 2: What did Ryan see?
                 Was Owen afraid of the blue whale?
                 Was the whale going to hurt them? 

Frame 3: What was the weather like in the Arctic? What did the children see in the sky? What                       was it?  Did Owen take a photo?

Frame 4: What does Ryan want to be when he grows up?

Task 5

Play the game.

Good luck!

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